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Siirtolaisia hangon siirtolaishotellin edustalla. Emigranter framför Hangös emigranthotell. Emigrants in front of the emigrant hotel in Hanko.

Contact information

The museum office

The museum office has moved to Pitkäkatu 17, 10900 Hanko.

Please contact the staff before visiting the museum office.

The museum staff

Laura Lotta Andersson

Museum director

040 135 9224

Answers questions about the history of Hanko, museum management and guided tours.

Linda Svennblad

Museum curator

040 135 9223

Answers questions about the history of Hanko and the museum’s object collections and exhibitions.

Ben Ferm

Service manager

040 135 9228

Answers questions about museum visits and guided tours.

Kim Kidron

Museum technician

040 135 9225

On leave. Answers questions about the history of Hanko and the museum’s photography collections.

Stefan Grünwald

Museum assistant

The upcoming main exhibition

Marika Kalanti

Museum assistant

040 135 9275

Building inventory