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Akvarellimaalaus, jonk motiivi on Hangon itäinen lahti vuonna 1876. Kopio Alex R. Spoofin taulusta. Akvarell över östra viken 1876. Kopia av Alex R. Spoofs original. A watercolor painting of the eastern bay in 1876. A copy of the original painting made by Alex R. Spoof.



Visit Hanko in the 1870s
13.6.2024–April 2025

The city of Hanko turns 150 years in 2024. Finland’s first winter harbor and the Hanko–Hyvinkää railway were built in 1873. These were important steps in the industrialization of Finland and its development into an independent country. When the city was founded there were only the ruins of the old fortress town and a fishing village. The city of Hanko was built from scratch. In our exhibition visitors get to known early Hanko – its inhabitants, buildings, challenges and dreas. The exhibition features watercolors painted by Alex R. Spoof’s 1876, which show early Hanko landscapes.

Hanko landscape painted by Alex R. Spoof.