13th century
April 18
The name Hanko Peninsula is mentioned for the first time in a written source. The Danes had conquered Reval (Tallinn) and they needed information about a safe route from Denmark to Tallinn. The route went past the peninsula of Hanko. Hanko had a name in both Finnish and Swedish; Cumiupe and Hangethe. Lowicsund (Tvärminne) is also mentioned on the map.
April 18
The first mention of a chapel in the harbor that is nowadays known as the Chapel harbor. It is however likely that the chapel was built in the 15th century. Its exact location is unknown, but in 2006 the chapel’s cemetery was discovered. In 1935 the society of Hembygdsforskningens vänner i Hangö raised a memorial on the place, where they believed the chapel had been.