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Seurahuone ja kylpylä 1900-luvun alussa. Societetshuset och Hangö bad i början på 1900-talet. The restaurant building and the spa buildling in the early 1900s.


Vikings sail past Hanko. In 1924 a bracelet was found in the Western harbor, and it has later been donated to the National Museum of Finland. Photo: The National Museum of Finland
13th century
13th century

The name Hanko Peninsula is mentioned for the first time in a written source. The Danes had conquered Reval (Tallinn) and they needed information about a safe route from Denmark to Tallinn. The route went past the peninsula of Hanko. Hanko had a name in both Finnish and Swedish; Cumiupe and Hangethe. Lowicsund (Tvärminne) is also mentioned on the map.


Claes Fleming visits the island of Gäddtarmen and his magnificent coat of arms is engraved into the cliffs, alongside with hundreds of other coats of arms made by those, who travelled to the Baltic region in the 16th–18th centuries.


The first mention of a chapel in the harbor that is nowadays known as the Chapel harbor. It is however likely that the chapel was built in the 15th century. Its exact location is unknown, but in 2006 the chapel’s cemetery was discovered. In 1935 the society of Hembygdsforskningens vänner i Hangö raised a memorial on the place, where they believed the chapel had been.


Hans Hansson’s map of the village of Hangöby is dated this year. The village had five homesteads and the fields and the pastures are meticulously marked for taxation.

The 21th of July 1714
The 21th of July 1714

The Battle of Rilax is fought north of the Hanko Peninsula. This is the Russian navy’s first victory over Sweden. In 1964 a medal is minted in honor of the Swedish navy commander Nils Ehrenskiöld.


Hangöby still has five homesteads and their lands have been divided into lanes, so that every farm has many narrow lanes on every field. The map is drawn by Hans Fattenborg.

A. Ehrensvärdin kallionhakkaus vuodelta 1821 Hauensuolella. A. Ehrensvärds inristning från 1821 på Gäddtarmen. A.Ehrensvärdin kaiverrus vuodelta 1821 on the cliffs of Gäddtarmen.

Augustin Ehrensvärd leads a group of men that measure the waters surrounding Hanko with a possible fortification in mind. In addition of the Hanko Peninsula, a fortification was planned outside of Helsinki, where it was later founded and named Sveaborg.

Gustavsvärnin rauniot. Gustavsvärns ruiner. The ruins of Gustavsvärn.

The permanent fortification of the Hanko Peninsula begins after the end of the Russo-Swedish War in 1790. Three islands south of the peninsula are fortified and given new names: Gustafsvärn, Gustaf Adolf and Meijerfeldt. On the mainland the cliffs of Drottningberg are fortified too.


The English cut down trees along a wide lane on the Tulliniemi cape, and use it as a sea mark during the Crimean war (1853–1856), when all other sea marks have been removed by the Russians. The Russians blow up the old Swedish fortifications.

The 8th of October 1873
The 8th of October 1873

The Hanko–Hyvinkää railway is opened for traffic after mor than ten years of planning. The railway is privately owned, but is unprofitable and sold to the state in 1875.


The port of Hanko is put to use. It is Finland’s first winter harbor and the expectations are high.

The 10th of January 1874
Hangon ensimmäinen asemakaava 1874. Hangös första stadsplan 1874. The first city plan of Hanko from 1874.

The city of Hanko is founded on a small area south of the railway.

The 15th of December 1877
The 15th of December 1877

The ice-resistant ship Express starts operating between Hanko and Stockholm. The ship carries mail and passengers.


Hanko has already had a winter harbor for six years, but the city also needs business in the summer time, and therefore the city’s spa is founded.


Oy Granit Ab is founded. Granite is quarried from and processed near the cliffs of Drottningberg and then exported to among other places Helsinki and St. Petersburg.

the 1880s
the 1880s

A steam sawmill and carpentry factory is established in Hanko. The factory manufactures many of the villas in Hanko.

Tennispelaajia ja lapsia Casinon edustalla. Tennisspelare och barn framför Casino. Tennis players and children in front of the restaurant building Casino.

This is the club house of the country’s most fashionable spa. It is nowadays known as the Casino. Croquet and tennis can be played in front of the building.

Mannerin konepaja rakentaa radiomaston. Kuvassa näkyy sekä tehdas- että asuinrakennuksia. Manners mekaniska verkstad bygger en radiomast. På bilden både fabriks- och bostadshus. The Manner mechanical workshop buildling a radio mast. There's both factory and dwelling houses in the picture.

The Manner mechanical workshop is founded. They have among other things manufactured the well-known Hangon keksi tin cookie jars. Nowadays, the company manufactures castors.

The 1890s
Vesihoitoja Hangon kylpylässä. Vattenbehandlingar i Hangö bad. Water treatments in the spa of Hanko.

The most important activities of the spa are the daily baths, either inside the spa or outside in a fenced area in the sea. The nature of the treatments depend on what kind of illnesses one wants to cure. However, water is the most important means of treatment.

Hangon kirkko ja raatihuonentorin puisto 1890-luvulla. Hangö kyrka och rådhustorgets park på 1890-talet. The church of Hanko and the park in the 1890s.

Hanko’s Evangelical Lutheral church, planned by Jac. Ahrenberg, is built.

Oy Forcit Ab

Finska Forcit-Dynamit Ab is founded. The company still produces explosives.

Hangon ortodoksinen kirkko. Hangö ortodoxa kyrka. The orthodox church of Hanko.

The Orthodox church of Hanko is built for the Russian spa guests.

Siirtolaisia hangon siirtolaishotellin edustalla. Emigranter framför Hangös emigranthotell. Emigrants in front of the emigrant hotel in Hanko.

Around 23.000 emigrants leave Hanko for North-America this year. The steam ship company Suomen Höyrylaivaosakeyhtiö builds a hotel for emigrants on the Boulevard in Hanko the same year.

Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema. Tvärminne zoologiska station. Tvärminne zoological station.

Tvärminne Zoological Stations is founded. To this day the station still researches Hanko’s diverse nature.


In 1906 and 1907 30.000 Russian Jews travel as emigrants from Hanko to North America. The steam ship company Suomen Höyrylaivaosakeyhtiö builds them a hotel at the corner of Nycandeirnkatu and Korkeavuorenkatu.

Hangon ensimmäinen museo Fohlinin tupa. Pieni tupa mansardikatolla. Vieraita kuistilla. Hangös första museum, Fohlinska stugan. Gäster på trappan. The first museum, the Fohlin cottage. Guests standing outside the door.

The Museum of Hanko is founded. The museum is founded by the local society of Hembygdsforskningens vänner i Hangö that wants to preserve old knowledge about and artifacts from Hanko.

Voimakasiini ja junaratoja. Smörmagasiner och järnvägsspår. The butter magasine and railway tracks.

The butter warehouse is put to use in Hanko. Butter is one of Hanko’s most important export products.

The 8th of June 1910
Seurahuone ja kylpylä 1900-luvun alussa. Societetshuset och Hangö bad i början på 1900-talet. The restaurant building and the spa buildling in the early 1900s.

Finally, the renovated and expanded spa and restaurant opens. Spa guests arrive to Hanko in order to revive themselves for six weeks.

Hangö Kex -mainos. Hangö Kex -reklam. Hangö Kex ad.

Finsk-Engelska Biscuit-fabriks Ab is founded. The cookie factory produces the famous smiling Hanko cookies until 1940.

Hangon vanha vesitorni. Hangös gamla vattentorn. The old water tower of Hanko.

Finland’s first water tower is built in Hanko.

The 1st of August 1914
Tuhoutunut rakennus Hangon satamassa. En förstörd byggnad i Hangö hamn. A destroyed building inthe port of Hanko.

The First World War begins, and the Russian spa guests quickly leave. Hanko is a closed military area in 1916–1917.

The 3rd of April 1918
The 3rd of April 1918

German troops arrive with ships in Hanko and the Red Guards flee the city. The Finnish civil war began on January 27th.

Neljän tuulen tupa 1920-luvulla. Vieraita lähdössä pois. De fyra vindarnas hus på 1920-talet. Gäster på vä bort. The House of the Four Winds in the 1920s. Café guests leaving.

General Mannerheim is a resident of Hanko. In the years 1927–1933, he owns the café the House of the Four Winds.

The 16th of May 1921
Vapauspatsaan vihkimistilaisuus. Suuri väkijoukko sekä patsaan luona että kallioilla. Frihetsstatyn invigs. Den stor samling människor både kring statyn och på klpiporna. The Freedom monument is revealed. A crowd has gathered around the statue and on the cliffs.

The Monument of Liberty is erected in memory of the German landing.

The 1920s
Suomalaisia siirtolaisia. Yhdessä kuva nainen Suomessa ja toisessa kuvassa nainen on USA:ssa ystävättärensä kanssa. Två bilder på emigranter. På den ena bilden är kvinnan i Finland och på den andra i USA tillsammans med en väninna. Two picutres of emigrants. In the first picture the emigrant is pictured in Finland and other in USA together with a friend.

An emigrant leaving Hanko has taken a photo on the steps of her home, and later she will send a photo of herself from the United States to show how well she is doing there.

Hangon vanha kaupungintalo ja sen edustalla oleva puisto. Nainen istuu penkillä. Hangös gamla stadshus oh arken framförden. En kvinna sitter på en bänk. The old town hall of Hanko and the park in front of it. A woman sits on a bench.

The city hall of Hanko is completed.

Plagenin ranta 1920-luvulla. Ranta on täynnä ihmisiä ja uimakoppeja. Taustalla korkea liukumäki. Plagenstranden på 1920-talet. Strand är fylld med människor och badhyttar. I bakgrunden en hög rutschkana. The Plagen beach in the 1920s. The beach is filled with people and beach cabins. A tall slide in the background.

A slide is opened on the Plagen beach, from which both children and adults descend on coconut rugs. It’s fashionable to have a tan.

The 30rd of November 1939
Hankolaiset ovat kokoontuneet katsomaan pommin tekemää kuoppaa ratapihalla vuonna 1939. Taustalla näkyy vanha rautatieasema, vanha vesitorni ja muita rakennuksia. Hangöborna står samlade kring en grop som en bomb har lämnat på bangården 1939. I bakgrunden syns den gamla järnvägsstationen, det gamla vattentornet och andra byggnader. Residents of Hanko have gathered around a pit left by a bomb in the railway yard in 939. In the background you can see the old railway statoin, the old water tower and other buildlings.

The Winter War begins and Hanko is bombed on the first day of war.

The 13th of March 1940
Ratakatu maaliskuussa 1940. Käynnissä on evakuointi ja kadulla seisoo kuorma-autoja, jotk aovat täynnä tavaraa. Tausta kauppoja. Bangatan i mars 1940. Hangö evakueras och på gatan står flera lastbilar fullpackade med möbler och saker. I bakgrunden butiksbyggnader. Ratakatu in March 1940. Hanko is being evacuated and on the road are several trucks packed with furniture. In the background business buildings.

The Hanko Peninsula is leased to the Soviet Union as a naval base for 30 years. The residents of Hanko are given 10 days to evacuate the peninsula.

The 4th of December 1941
Venäläinen perhe pöydän ympärillä Hangossa 1940-luvulla. Pöydällä on leipiä, pulloja ja kahvikuppeja. Seurueessa on sekä aikuisia että lapsia. En rysk familj kring ett bord i Hangö på 1940-talet. På bordet står bröd, flaskor och kaffekoppar. I sällskapet ingår både vuxna och barn. A russian family sits by a table in Hanko in the 1940s. On the table are bread, bottles and coffe cups. There are both children and adults on the picture.

The Russians have quietly abandoned Hanko and the city is taken back by the Finns.

Punkkeri, jota ympäröi piikkilanka. Taustalla Regattahotelli. On lumista. En bunker som omringas av taggtråd. I bakgrunden hotell Regatta. Det är snö på marken. A bunker surrounded with barb wire. In the background the Regatta hotel. There's snow.

The rebuilding of Hanko begins. The city hall and water tower have been destroyed and 80 % of the buildings have been damaged.

Hyvonin tekstiilitehtaassa. Naiset ompelevat vaatteita. I Hyvons textilfabrik. Kvinnor syr kläder på maskin. The textile factory Hyvon. Women sewing clothes.

Hyvon Kudeneule Oy is founded in Hanko. The factory manufactures among other things men’s underwear until 1977.

Rauta- ja terästehadas Koverhar. Kuvassa on monta erilaista rakennusta. Järn- och stålverket Koverhar. På bilden syns flera byggnader. The iron and steel works of Koverhar. The picture show several different buildings.

Oy Koverhar Ab has started its production of iron. Ten years later a steel factory is launched. Production ends in 2012.

Kaksi hinausvenettä vetää Koneen proomua, jossa seisoo neljä identtistä satamanosturia. Två bogserbåtar drar Kones pråm på vilken det står fyra identiska hamnlyftkranar. Two tugboat transporting a barge with four identical harbor cranes.

Kone Oy beings making cranes in Hanko. Cranes are exported around the world. Production ends in 1987.

Hangon satama, jossa lasti paperirullia odottavat siirtoa sisään laivaan. Hangö hamn där en last med stora pappersrullar väntar på att bi förflyttade in i ett fartyg. The port of Hanko, where big paper rolls are about to be loaded into a boat.

The city of Hanko amortizes the port of Hanko for 1 million marks from the state.

Rivitaloalue Lappohjassa. Edustalla kyltti "Oy Koverhar Ab Sågars". Ett radhusområde i Lappvik. Framtill en skylt "Oy Koverhar Ab Sågars". Rowhouses in Lappohja. In front a sign "Oy Koverhar Ab Sågars".

Tvärminne from the rural municipality of Ekenäs, Lappohja from the municipality of Tenala and both Täktom and Santala from the municipality of Bromarv are incorporated into the municipality of Hanko.

Sotilaat vannovat valaa Hangon eteläkärjellä. Soldater svär ed på Hangös sydspets. Soldiers swearing an oath on the southern tip of Hanko.

The Coastal Artillery Battallion of Hanko, which has operated in the city since 1921, is discontinued.

Hiekkaa ja mäntyjä Tvärminnessä. Sand och tallar i Tvärminne. Sand and pine trees in Tvärminne.

The National City Park of Hanko is founded.